Friday, April 07, 2006

Illegal Aliens RIGHTLY have FEW rights!

Illegal Aliens, since they are NOT US citizens, have very few rights. There is some doubt whether the Miranda Rights even apply.

It would be NICE perhaps, if USA awmen were briefly schooled to observe Mexican laws and sworn in by the Mexican Government to handle illegals "The Mexican way."

The following is a minimal Miranda warning, as

outlined in the Miranda v Arizona case.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to be speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.

The following is a much more verbose Miranda warning, designed to cover all bases that a detainee might encounter while in police custody. A detainee may be asked to sign a statement acknowledging the following.

You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Do you understand?
Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand?
You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. Do you understand?
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. Do you understand?
If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney. Do you understand?
Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?

Presently, American law has devolved from whatever it formerly was to the very unintelligent "Catch and Release" bravo sierra whereby illegals or legals breaking the law are mixed in, captured, released "on own recognition" and trusted to appear in court later. Naturally, out of thousands only ONE has ever showed up. The others "got lost" and laughed something off at the "Stoopeed Gringos".

The good ol' but not too bright USA, hosed away $58 million dollars flying illegal aliens back to Mexico "and didn't drop off a single one in Chiapas or another so-called "Hell-hole". Formerly Mexicans, knowing that the "Stoopeed gringos" would fly them or truck them to Mexico City would be from a border town, hungry, poor, and broke and get a FREE RIDE to Mexico City just for invading America and getting caught!

It would not be surprising if this IDIOTIC practice was STILL being done!

I mean, who in the uSA would be intelligent enough to lose these guys in Chiapas or another aforementioned "Hell-hole" to discourage "sneakins". Recently, A dump truck lpaded with DRUGS was stopped at the border. Before the under-manned US border patrol agents (probably 3-6 pistol-armed men) could react they were surrounded by THIRTY heavily armed, machine gun and shotgun packing THUGS who took the drugs back to Mexico for later re-smuggling!!! This is actually an on-going INVASION, terrorizing US border towns and cities. Gutsy lawmen daily risk their lives and families for their scrawny and measley pay to maintain a modicum of law and order. These men and women have had their relatives and children threatened when they stop illegal alien smuggling and esp. DRUG SMUGGLING.


The US Congress recently discussed and passed a "bonehead bill" which wasted several hours of their time and left them so exhausted that they are still goofing off over a week later. President Bush must have been drinking something when the "guest worker" milarky bravo sierra (BS) came up or has listened to his father too much. This bill is UNWORKABLE , INANE, and is laughed at by Communist-led La raza, ANSWER, and other racist groups. If one is a half-caste Mexican-American with an Anglo last name, they will scoff, laugh, and print epithets like "GRINGO" or ANGLO" on your letter asking to join their "Cause" and turn you down flat. These are the same people who will ignore you when you try to get a cup of coffee in an all Mexican cafe in a small Texas town!

No wonder Mexican-American leaders like Caesar Chavez were totally against undocumented illegal aliens! Chavez saw that unbridled "immigration" better known as trespassing or invasion was a menace to American and esp. Mexican-American society and life. These illegals drive down wages for legal, law-abiding CITIZENS who were born in the USA and those who have been following the law to eventually "do it right" the legal way and become naturalized citizens. You go down to Mexico to work and you are a "POCHO", an outsider, no matter how Mexican you look, they will know from your speech pattern that you are not born in Mexico. Try putting YOUR children in a Mexican school and you will get big TROUBLE and they will make you PAY MONEY! Formerly, wealthy Mexicans on the US-Mexico border paid US schools to educate their children so they could become LEGAL US citizens later if they desired to do so. Perhaps they chauffered or taxied or self-transported their children across the border "for a better life, education and options".

Mowadays, they would feel "unintelligent" and be laughed at by the poorer Mexicans if they paid for their children's educations in a US public school, YET they paid no taxes THEN and PAY NO TAXES NOW. Yet they expect free educations from the "STOOPEED" gringos and they get the free educations!

Go figure this summation on your calculator!

Illegals sneak in...find a lover...make children with birthing at a "free" hospital, get free vaccinations for everybody, "Free" food stamps or food cards, often work for cash off the books, and freqently send most of the wages back to Mexico or Central or South America for the family of children they have "back home". When the children "back home" are big enough, they may hire a "coyote" or smuggler agent/guide to smuggle them into America "to see old Dad or Papa". This people smuggler/guide may also force them to smuggle for him and for his gang and he may charge them up to $1500 each for "transport", "bribes" or "mordidos" and he may abandon them to die in an over-heated truck or the middle of a desert once he hets his drugs and or money!

To top it off, many illegals, being in-country and already against the law...may commit heinous crimes to each other or to innocent Americans. If unapprehended, they may (A) Continue to rob, rape, and/or kill (b) Never commit another crime and go "straight" or may (3) flee back to country of origin.

If caught...they may be executed for heinous crimes or incarcerated which is said to cost upwards of $20,000 for each illegal alien whether a state or a privately-operated prison. Trials and executions are also EXPENSIVE not to mention the lost time of the jury from productively working instead to earn $6-15 per day for serving on a jury. Countless other would-be jurists lose 4-6 hours showing up to be turned down for jury duty.

Perhaps Senators Pat Schraeder of New York and Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusettes would like to "adopt an illegal lawbreaker and take them home to work off their sentence." Sen. Kennedy had looked over that august senate body and lied through his very teeth that "immigration will not change the demographics of America!".

Another politician recently declared that he would." pay $50 per hour to hire Americans to pick lettuce in Pima, Arizona in the hot sun!" If this writer
did not know the man to be either CRAZY or LYING, I and many others would most certainly show up to pick lettuce in Arizona TOMMORROW!!! And we would crawl around in the sand, if we fell down, to pick for $50 pr hour!

The Senator or non-brain-equiped representative no doubt thought that $50 was nothing to get Americans excited about. This is one of many truely DUMB and innane and ignorant things that I have heard uttered by American politicians and I wish I had a few minutes of this lunatic's raving to laugh at occasionally. What an utter dunce! How did this guy find his way to "work"? If I'd not lose my page I'd google this knothead up and put his fool name here for all to see and marvel at his abissmal ignorance. To quote Ronald Reagan," Perhaps he had been drinking something!". Yes...perhaps...but I'd rather think he is just out of touch with all the voters and perhaps out of touch with reality.

Most Americans would clean out a horse stable with a fondue fork for $50 per hour and never complain a bit! Perhaps Sen Kerry said this since he rides expensive bicycles and wears funny-looking and gay-looking expensive apparel when he rides. And perhaps president Bush is not the only one that has fallen off a look at all this loco and crazy legislation these cretins pass and approve and forget to even read!

Senator Pat Schroeder of New York backed a bill that would have denied automatic citizenship to children of illegals hiding out in these United States!

Then Sen. Pat Schroeder did a flip-flop and went against this stringent bill he formerly supported.
Did somebody allegedly "get to" the Senator? YES! Unless the Senior Senator from the Empire State was drinking LSD-laced fake-fruit-flavored beverage, that is...what the HELL happened to his common sense? Truth is, Southern democrats most likely told him THEY WOULD LOSE THE ILLEGAL and perhaps some of the Legal Latino vote, so the jerk became as flexible as a green bamboo blown in the wind! Hell, the wind blows in one of his ears and out the other!

At the rate illegals are flooding into and bank-rupting the USA into 7-8 TRILLION DOLLARS of debt for their "cheap labor" which does not drive down wages. And another thing...while some limosine businessman is sending $20,000 to $70,000 jobs to India such as has DELL and Bill Gates...some illegal aliens are sneaking in to take away the lawn landscaping we will be forced to work at when the burger flipper jobs are all taken!

I'm not saying there are no jobs for LEGAL DOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT TYPES who come to the USA to work, learn English, get ahead, and build a good law-abiding life for themselves and their children. I'm just saying that people like Ted Kennedy are crazy if they think fast-breeding people will not displace and over-whelm people who abort most of their children and end up with one or two children to compete with 3 to 9 that illegal migrants may produce since they do not necessirily have to pay for
hospitalization and upkeep and education by working in the underground economy.

It is further estimated that if all the aborted American Democrats had voted since Roe v Wade was passed on the 1960s...that these people would have been a significant number to have elected both Gore and Kerry as President.

The very ones who vote Democrat are the ones who usually abort the most...therefore Democrats are shooting themselves in BOTH FEET! This might seem funny to some people but to people like Jesse Jackson it is hilarious!

Jesse's people seldom abort their babies...they LOVE babies!

We as sane, thinking,Americans are forced to SECURE THAT POROUS BORDER or we will have NO COUNTRY AT ALL in a few years and our children will be saying,"What the Hell happened to MY COUNTRY, MOM AND DAD...YOU let it go to HELL!

In the immortal words of Charleton Heston upon seeing the Statue of Liberty sinking into the sands of a too-radically changed USA," Damn You, Damn YOU all to Hell!".

But Senator Schrader does not shop in a BIG AMERICAN CITY clothing store and never hear a word of English for three solid hours!

Thus I must add to the already heard cry of angst from my fellow Americans to all those apostate traitor politicians who do not give a damn for America or uphold any of her laws..."DAMN YOU SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES: DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!"


Blogger whatyouwabtedtoknow said...

Tainted candidates make give up you win even if the guy opposed is a punk from Chicago.

3:33 PM  

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